Members of the West Kingdom College of Dance:
- Alys Sheffield, Shire of Esfenn, Mists
- Anna of Cloondara, Shire of Cloondara, Mists
- Aoife Liath
- Aryenne bat David Halevi de Troyes, College of Sainte Katherine, Mists
- Bridget of St. Katherine's, College of St. Katherine's, Mists
- Catherine de Pleasance de Pleasance de Plaisance, Shire of Esfenn, Mists
- Constanza de Mendoza, Shire of Crosston, Mists
- Crystal of the Westermark, Westermark, Mists
- Danaë FitzRoberts aka Hobbit, Province of Golden Rivers, Cynagua
- Daniel deBlare, Silver Desert, Cynagua
- Eleanor d'Aubrecicourt, Shire of Mont d'Or, Cynagua
- Elinora O'Connor, Cynagua
- Elisa von Sophey, Shire of Earngyld, Oertha
- Elsbeth
- Flidais ni Eitegen, Shire of Crosston, Mists
- Gelis of Balweary
- Genevieve de Vendome, Greater Crosston, Mists
- Geoffrey Mathias, Shire of Crosston, Mists
- Gregory Blount, Shire of Crosston, Mists
- Harold von Rheinfelden, Shire of Betony Wood, Cynagua
- Isabel D Triana, Shire of Crosston, Mists
- Karin Polsdotter, Shire of Crosston, Mists
- Katherine de Langelei, Greater Crosston, Mists
- Lee the "It's too much effort to think of a name", Shire of Crosston, Mists
- Marguerite du Royon, Shire of Ecorngil, Mists
- Megan Winterford
- Na'arah bat Avraham, Barony of Darkwood, Mists
- Natalie of Golden Rivers, Cynagua
- Owen ap Morgan
- Peza Mirina, Shire of Cloondara
- Rafael de Aldea
- Rosalia, Shire of Esfenn, Mists
- Seamus, both Barony of Rivenoak, Cynagua and Barony of Darkwood, Mists
- Sofonisba Alberti, Canton of Caer Darth, Barony of Darkwood, Mists
- Tama Katerina Evstokh'eva, Barony of Eskalya, Oertha
- Vyncent atte Wodegate, Shire of Crosston, Mists
Out of Kingdom Members
- Barbara, al-Barran, Outlands
- Elena Edgar
- Lord Dieter Unruh von Oldenburg, Shire of Shadowed Stars, Middle
In Memoriam
- Gaius Marcellus Liberius Auklandus
- Halima de la Lucha, Shire of Crosston, Mists
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